Top latest Passwords Crackers | Breakers And Hacking Latest Software free 2013
After a lot my Article some my reader ask me to write a tutorials on password hacking crackers and breakers. There are some best password crackers and the list made from all the password breakers from all over a Globe including the version for the operating system UNIX and window.
Cain and Abel : (top password recovery tool for the Windows)
This is very best software for the password recovery tool that handles a enormous variety of the tasks and it can recover the password
1. Sniffing a network, cracking
2. encrypted passwords using the Dictionary | Brute-Force
3. Cryptanalysis attacks
4. Recording VoIP conversations
5. Decoding scrambled passwords
6. Revealing password boxes
7. Uncovering cached passwords and the analyzing routing protocols
So it’s very useful tool for the Recover the password and later IN SHA ALLAH I will try to write a complete tutorial on Cain and able.
This software Fast network authentication cracker to support many different services like when you need to the brute force crack the remote authentication service and Hydra is often a tool of that choice and It can perform the rapid dictionary attacks against the more than 29 protocols like including telnet, http, https, ftp, several databases and much more as you want
Air crack:
The fastest available WPA | WEP Cracking Tools . This is the software is a suite of tools for the802.11a/b/g WPA | WEP cracking. It can be recover the 40 through 512-bit WEP key once enough the encrypted packets have been gathered and It can also attack on the WPA 1 or 2 networks using the advanced cryptographic methods and by brute force. It’s very useful for the Wi-Fi so later on I will try to write article on this.
Air snort:
This is software for 802.11 the WEP Encryption Cracking Tool and is a wireless LAN (WLAN) so that recovers encryption keys and its operates by the passively monitoring transmissions,and its packets have gathered packet .and its similar to the Air crack.
This is software for the window password recovery tool. This is software able to extract LanMan and NTLM hashes from the Windows target and then regardless of whether Syskey Is a enabled. It is also capable for the displaying password histories and if they are available.
The RainbowCrack tool is the hash cracker that easy makes use of the large scale time memory and its very advance software and it can store the results in called rainbow tables and It does take the long time to precompute a tables but the RainbowCrack can be the hundreds of times the faster than the brute force cracker once precomputation is the finished.
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